Omosessualità Transessualità Gay Lesbiche Queer Interesex

MARANHÃO Fº, Eduardo Meinberg de Albuquerque. Anotações sobre a “inclusão” de travestis e transexuais a partir do nome social e mudança de prenome. In: MARANHÃO Fº, Eduardo Meinberg de Albuquerque (Org.). Dossiê (In) Visibilidade Trans 1. História Agora, São Paulo, v.1, n. 15, p. 29-59, 2013.

Transgender Studies / Theories of Gender and Transgender / Transgender / Estudios de Género / Género / Travesti / Transexuality / Omosessualità Transessualità Gay Lesbiche Queer Interesex / Travestilidades / Transgeneridades / Travesti / Transexuality / Omosessualità Transessualità Gay Lesbiche Queer Interesex / Travestilidades / Transgeneridades

\"\'As Easily as a Fox Eats a Pear’ (Plautus, Mostellaria, 559): a Homoerotic Pun\"

Latin Literature / Homosexuality and Literature / Roman Comedy / Animal Symbolism / Greek and Latin Epigram / Book of Song of Songs / Ancient Homoerotism / Epigram (Classics) / Bisexuality / Homosexuality / Plautus / Greek Epigram / Greek Anthology / Symbols / Literature and homoeroticism / Song of Songs / Bisexual / Literatura erótica / Mostellaria / Erotic Epigram / Homoerotism, History, Homosexuality / Homoeroticism in Ancient World / Homoerotismo / Plauto / Erotic Literature / Análisis de la comedia plautina / Omosessualità Transessualità Gay Lesbiche Queer Interesex / The Language of Plautus / Titus Macius Plautus / Plaute / Ancient Sexual Metaphors / Book of Song of Songs / Ancient Homoerotism / Epigram (Classics) / Bisexuality / Homosexuality / Plautus / Greek Epigram / Greek Anthology / Symbols / Literature and homoeroticism / Song of Songs / Bisexual / Literatura erótica / Mostellaria / Erotic Epigram / Homoerotism, History, Homosexuality / Homoeroticism in Ancient World / Homoerotismo / Plauto / Erotic Literature / Análisis de la comedia plautina / Omosessualità Transessualità Gay Lesbiche Queer Interesex / The Language of Plautus / Titus Macius Plautus / Plaute / Ancient Sexual Metaphors
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